Things To Do In Iceland Blue Lagoon

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The Blue Lagoon is a geothermal spa located inside the Reykjanes peninsula in southwest Iceland. The lagoon is surrounded by mountains and has its unique ecosystem, with approximately four billion liters of clean, blue water that flows through it daily. The owners of the Blue Lagoon are very passionate about the property; so much so that they have recently topped Forbes’ list as one of the world’s best employers for 2018.

Things To Do in Iceland Blue Lagoon

1) Feel the heat

The natural, silica silky smooth water inside the Blue Lagoon is rich in minerals and contains a unique cocktail of beneficial chemicals such as magnesium and calcium. It also has an average temperature of 36-38 degrees Celsius, making it the perfect temperature for relaxation.

2) Explore the surroundings

If you’d like to take a break from bathing, there’s plenty to see and do in the surrounding area. Lava fields, waterfalls, and geothermal energy can be explored at the Secret Lagoon. A short walk from the lagoon is a Viking village, with old huts and reconstructed farms.

3) Eat seafood

If you’re feeling hungry, head to the Blue Lagoon restaurant where you’ll find delicious seafood dishes such as lobster, scallop, shrimp, and mussels. The spicy tenderloin steak is another favorite of mine.

4) Take a memorable photo

Take your time and spend a few hours at the lagoon. The temperature of the water is so comfortable that you might find yourself sinking into a pleasant, dreamy state. It’s also common to see people dancing and singing in the water, so if you’re feeling adventurous, join in! Be aware that there are no lifeguards on duty, so swim only in areas where there are ropes to guide you.


The Iceland Blue Lagoon is a popular tourist spot in Iceland, with more than 3 million visitors each year. So, if you’re planning your trip to Iceland, why not book a stay at the Blue Lagoon? It’s never too early to start making your plans.