How To See La Sagrada Familia

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The famous La Sagrada Familia Church in Spain is a famous attraction among travelers. The church is a UNESCO World Heritage site and attracts thousands of visitors every year. Its top-notch architecture and intricate carvings are well worth exploring, and this comprehensive guide will help you explore the church to the fullest extent possible.


There are few times when La Sagrada Familia is open to the public. The hours for the church vary, so check the website for more information. There are also many festivals that take place in Barcelona throughout the year, and you might be able to visit during one of these events. If you’re looking to plan a trip to Barcelona, try visiting during one of these festivals or on a night when the church is open.


The best way to reach La Sagrada Familia is by metro. The closest stop to the church is Plaza de Catalunya, which is on Line 3 of the Barcelona Metro. There are many other stops close by, but it’s important to know that the nearby airport and central train station are not close enough for you to walk.

If you want to explore La Sagrada Familia further and see more than just the inside of the church, there are two ways in which you can do so. If you want a cheaper option, purchase a ticket for one of the free military tours offered sporadically throughout the day. These tours last around an hour and include a guided tour of what visitors can see from the outside of La Sagrada Familia. If you would like a more personalized experience with your tour guide and less time spent walking, consider booking one of their private tours with them as well. For $30 per person, they will give you a personal tour as well as answer any questions about La Sagrada Familia or offer suggestions for other activities.


The main attraction in La Sagrada Familia is the church itself. It’s hard to see everything that the church has to offer in just one day, especially with how big it is. However, this guide will help you learn where to start and what must-see attractions you can explore on your visit.

First, you must enter through the gate at the end of Carrer de Mallorca. This is a good place to get your bearings and look around while you wait for your entrance ticket. After you have your ticket, walk into the lobby of the cathedral. This lobby has three levels and two parts: the lower level has three arches leading up to the upper level; on top of the upper level are two series of columns supporting a large central dome with a mosaic on top. The pews in this space are arranged distinctly enough that they each have their own style of carvings, so it’s best to walk around and observe them all before choosing a spot to sit down.

Once you find a good spot, take time to admire some of the sculptures along both walls: they depict scenes from biblical stories like Jonah being swallowed by a whale or Daniel in a Lions’ Den. These carvings were created by Antonio Gaudi (a famous Catalan architect) during his time working on La Sagrada Familia Cathedral between 1883 and 1910.

La Sagrada Familia is a masterpiece of Catalan architecture by Antoni Gaudi and is one of the most popular attractions in Barcelona. This comprehensive guide will help you understand how to get inside and see La Sagrada Familia