Using The Right Antioxidant Cleanser Will Slow Down Wrinkle Formation

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As a person grows older the skin on their face will age, developing wrinkles, fine lines, and getting discolored. While the aging of skin depends on hereditary factors to some extent, it also depends on lifestyle and how much care is taken for the skin. The facial skin is most likely to age quickly since it is usually not covered. The free radicals in the air may react with the skin, resulting in aging. One way to avoid this problem is by using anti-oxidants which will neutralize the free radicals. Most women are using facial cleansers to remove the dirt and grime from their faces. Hence it is advisable to use an Antioxidant Cleanser for the reasons discussed below.

The antioxidants used in the cleanser will vary depending on the type of cleanser, and the skin on which it should be used. Vitamin C is widely considered to be the most effective antioxidant to make the skin smoother and brighter. It helps reduce wrinkles, dark spots, and aging skin. Vitamin E helps in protecting the cell membranes from damage caused by Ultra Violet radiation in sunlight and oxidation. Vitamin A is also called retinol and helps in increasing the production of cells to make the skin look younger, and firmer, and reduce dark spots. Selenium helps to keep the skin elastic and protects against sun damage.

Most women are purchasing a cleanser based on the type of facial skin. While some women are lucky to have normal skin, others have dry, oily, or combination skin with dry foreheads and cheeks. It is advisable to check the ingredients of the cleanser to ensure that it contains at least some of the antioxidants above. The cleanser should be used at least once a day so that it has the desired effect on the skin to reduce aging. It is recommended that the cleanser should be used with an antioxidant-containing moisturizer to reduce the effect of free radicals to the maximum extent possible.