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Travel equipment is those items that you need to have with you when travelling. In the past, travellers may have taken a luxurious chest filled with clothes, linens and other personal items overseas. When they arrived at their new location they would unpack some or all of these before settling in. Examples of Travel equipment include;
1. A daypack
Used to carry the things you will need during the course of a day. May have a water bottle holder, pockets for carrying items you want to keep handy, and is lightweight and comfortable.
2. Clothing
What you wear depends on the season. In warm countries and at high altitudes lighter clothing may be necessary such as shorts and short-sleeved shirts for men as well as skirts, sleeveless dresses or perhaps even no blouses for women. In colder countries heavier clothes such as long-sleeved shirts, sweaters and jackets are necessary.
3. Hygiene
A toothbrush and toothpaste, shaving equipment and deodorant. Toiletries such as nail files, tweezers, nail clippers and hair spray. A small first-aid kit. A big-valued list of items that you will never be without. It is common in the tropics to carry a mosquito net which can make your sleep very comfortable at night if you need it. It is also common to bring your own bedding with you.
4. Luggage
This is what is referred to as luggage. Travellers have changed over the years from carrying heavy, cumbersome bags to travelling with carry-on luggage only. Today it is possible to travel with just a carry-on bag because many hotels have facilities for storing your luggage safe while you are out enjoying the day or evening.
5. Packing bag
If your trip involves a lot of items, a packing bag will come in handy for storing everything in one place and transporting it easily from place to place. A packing bag can be made of almost any material depending on the season and where you are going but should always be lightweight, durable and easy on your back when carrying it around.

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